Closing Assignments

To close an assignmentClosedConnection between a resource and a project.:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Display the Assignment Detail page for the assignment that you want to close and click Close Assignment.
    • Display the Assignments related list on the project to which the assignment relates, select the checkboxes for the assignments that you want to close and click Close Assignments.
    The Close Assignments page appears.
  2. Complete the fields described in Close Assignments Fields.
  3. Click Save.
Note: Note
When you close an Assignment before the originally scheduled end date, the Estimates Vs Actuals records for future time periods that are no longer relevant are deleted.

To set the hours to zero on a schedule for a closed assignment:

  1. Close the assignment that you want to zero as described earlier.
  2. On the assignment that you closed or the schedule to which it relates, click Zero Schedule.
  3. When the confirmation popup appears, click OK.